Loyalty card

rapidus hűségkártya

Loyalty card program

Recommend and redeem your discounts with your loyalty card

You can apply for a loyalty card in person at our opticians. After registering for our loyalty card program, you will receive an immediate discount of10% to 30% on your purchases.

If you are satisfied with us, please recommend us to your relatives, friends and acquaintances, because you will receive a discount.If they use your ID to buy glasses from us, we will credit 10% of the value of the first purchase back to your loyalty card in points.

This way, the points collected can cover the full price of a pair of optical glasses or a pair of sunglasses (1 point = 1Ft).

Loyalty card login

Shop with 10-30% discount in our shop!

If you have any further questions about our loyalty programme, please call us!