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Modern technology, smart devices, high-tech devices and displays are clearly making our everyday lives easier – both at home and at work. They help us work, communicate and relax faster and more efficiently. But when we spend long periods of time focused in front of these devices – for example, staring at a computer all day at work, or using a smartphone, tablet or similar device – our eyes can benefit from sharp, clear vision at short and medium distances. But neither reading glasses nor progressive multifocal lenses are the ideal solution. Wouldn’t it be better to have a pair of glasses that are specifically tailored to our work, and of course to our own needs, to make our lives easier?
Vision optimized for working distance
As we work in front of screens and displays, the well-being of our eyes is a key factor. After all, they have to endure hours of strain every day. In these situations, even if you wear reading glasses or progressive multifocal glasses, you may notice that your posture becomes unnatural after a while.
Work-progressive spectacle lenses work in a similar way as progressive lenses, but they are primarily meant to improve our vision for close-up and working distances. As a result, our eyes acquire the precise correction necessary for the varying distances encountered during our job. As a result, you can work more efficiently since our eyes are less weary. These sight lenses provide clearer eyesight whether working at a computer or at a desk.
The work progressive lens is ideal for indoors
Work-progressive lenses are designed for office and other indoor work, but they are also suitable for all professional activities that require sharp vision at close and various intermediate distances. Thanks to the latest ergonomic design, they provide excellent support for the eyes, ensuring comfortable and relaxed vision. You can also expect sharp and distortion-free vision in all conditions. Our eyes will be protected from irritation and fatigue, so we can also avoid discomfort such as headaches and discomfort. So indoor lenses are clearly a valuable aid when working in an office or any other job where unobstructed vision at medium distance is a priority.
Connections between eyeglass lens technology and screen posture
It’s good to be careful about how we organise the different things we use all the time in our work. We are thinking here of the keyboard, the screen and other materials we read. If we arrange our desks incorrectly, it can lead to vision problems. If we wear glasses as an extra, we can adopt a completely unnatural body and head posture in order to focus properly at different distances. This is really uncomfortable. Also, as our lenses age, they will find it harder and harder to adapt to different distances. As working in front of a screen is an activity in which we frequently change between different viewing distances, it causes particularly significant fatigue to our eyes, which are subjected to constant strain.
Using reading glasses at work
For traditional reading glasses single-focus lenses are used. These allow you to see clearly at a distance of about 30-40 cm. This is actually the ideal distance for the keyboard and printed material. However, as soon as you want to see the computer screen or the surrounding area clearly, you have to lower your head to look over the glasses or simply lean closer to the monitor. All this poor posture and head posture is unnatural and puts a strain on our shoulders, neck and back.

Applying modern progressive lenses in the workplace
The modern multifocal, also known as progressive lenses are designed to provide the wearer with sharp vision at distances from 40 cm. The lower part of the lens is used to see close objects perfectly, while the lower and middle part is used to try to see the screen clearly. To do this, we need to lift our head and if this posture is maintained for a long period of time, we again put excessive strain on our neck and shoulders.

Work progressive lenses
Work progressive lenses are specifically designed to provide unrestricted vision throughout the workflow in computer workstations.
- The transition on the lens is completely imperceptible, ensuring sharp vision at distances from 40 cm to around 3 metres.
- This keeps the head in an ideal position. Therefore, the keyboard, screen and other work-related materials will be clearly visible.

ZEISS Officelens eyeglass lenses - for more comfortable vision
The new ZEISS Officelens work progressive lenses offer outstanding comfort at work and are fully customized to the needs of the wearer. They offer a wide field of vision at short and medium distances, allowing you to see perfectly and work comfortably in the range your work requires. This allows our head and neck to assume a relaxed, natural posture throughout the day.
ZEISS Officelens lenses guarantee better vision in three personalized versions
ZEISS Officelens progressive lenses can be designed to fully meet the wearer’s needs for distance of vision. This is thanks to new technology that also defines the maximum intermediate distance developed by Carl Zeiss Vision. This is known as Maximum Intermediate Distance, or M.I.D. Rapidus has everything from lower-priced models to highly accurate, customized solutions. Work progressive lenses are designed based on the maximum vision distance required to surround the wearer at work every day. The M.I.D. is the distance that the wearer needs to be able to see clearly within a space.
In this design, the maximum distance at which the wearer must be able to see clearly is set at two metres. This may be ideal for people who work mainly in front of a computer or who read a lot at work.
With this lens, the maximum distance is set at four metres, allowing the wearer to see the reading distance and the immediate surroundings clearly. The “Room” model may be the best solution for those who work in front of a screen but also deal with customers/buyers, for example.
This version has an extended field of vision up to a reading distance of one metre. While reading glasses are usually designed for a personalised fixed reading distance, the “Book” design provides a significantly larger field of view. This also makes the reading experience easier.
The fourth version is fully tailored to the specific needs of the wearer. This is achieved by determining the optimal maximum viewing distance with a high degree of accuracy. In addition, the wearer’s centric data, near working distance and even the frame dimensions are taken into account in the lens manufacture.
ZEISS Officelens progressive working lenses – as well as progressive and single-focus lenses – are available in different types in the Rapidus range, whether Officelence Plus, Superb or Individual. Moreover, the different versions are available in different materials and with different features.