• 1075. Budapest Asbóth str. 14.
  • Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00 | Saturday - Sunday: closed




Our prices include VAT.
Our service price list is valid from febr. 1, 2023.

Eye Examination

Graduate Optometrist Eye Examination Award
HUF 15,000

Field of view test:
HUF 15,000

Corneal thickness measurement:
HUF 5,000

Contact lens testing and training:
HUF 15,000
(Includes test lens, test, training and 1 month control)

Eyeglass Frame

Full frame fee (metal / plastic):
HUF 5,000

Damilos frame fee:
HUF 7,000

Drilled frame fee:
HUF 9,000

Resize per page:
HUF 5,000

HUF 3,900

Higher cylinder value:
According to the manufacturer’s price list

Eyeglass Repair

Nasal support replacement:
1,500, – HUF / pc

Screw replacement:
HUF 1,000

Frame adaptation:
free of charge

Metal soldering:
HUF 10,000

Titanium soldering:
From HUF 16,500

Stem replacement:
From HUF 6,500

The mainstays of our range of spectacle lenses are excellent optical quality, the right price range and, of course, reliability. The offer includes the full range of Carl ZEISS, Seiko, Synchrony, Starlite, as well as Interoptik and Rodenstock lenses.