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Rapidus Optika has it all!

Is it broken? Is it loose? Uncomfortable? Glasses repaired in downtown Budapest by our optician. Whatever happens to our glasses, we’d rather not touch them! Always leave the repair to a professional, even if the problem seems simple!

The cost of repairing your glasses can be negligible compared to the damage you can cause, and new glasses would certainly be more expensive. A fatal superglue job or a screwdriver that has gone loose could result in the same thing. You can even get free help at Rapidus Opticians if you have a loyalty card!

Gábor Urbányi, optician at Rapidus

The optician's recommendation: professional eyeglass repair

Apart from daily cleaning of the lens and frame, do nothing to your glasses, as a poorly executed home repair can cause much more serious, even irreversible damage. Even if it’s a small problem, don’t try to fix it, but turn to the expert hands of a specialist.

If it’s good for your car, it’s good for your glasses!

Just as we take our car in for a check-up every now and then, our glasses deserve to be serviced from time to time. Just a few minutes’ check-up will significantly extend the life of your glasses. Just like a thorough cleaning, which is possible with ultrasonic glasses cleaning.

The Rapidus Optika workshop knows no impossible!

It happens to everyone that a beloved or familiar object breaks. If the problem is big, replacement is obviously the best solution, even if we are very sorry for the old piece we have become attached to. Indeed, we humans can be very attached to an object. So, if the problem can be fixed, the first thing we obviously want is to be able to keep our old glasses, especially if they are unique. Here, the glasses service really does go all the way. Whether it’s soldering a frame, a misaligned frame, loose screws, replacing or replacing parts, we can solve any problem. Even if the frame is irreparably damaged, it’s still worth bringing your glasses in here, as they can save your expensive lenses in most cases.

Rapidus Optika

Eyeglass rescue services

Kérdőív javításhoz

Online data sheet for eyeglass repair

We should always leave the repair of our glasses to a professional, even if the problem seems simple!

Quick and easy to fill in the online form for glasses repair, with uploadable photos, for which we will give you a quote within 24 hours!

Rapidus Optika

Extra services

Glasses repair prices

With a loyalty card customers will be credited 50% of the eyewear service fee to their card, which they can use on their next visit to our optical shop.*

Normal price Loyalty card price*

Service charge for glasses

Full frame 5.000 Ft 2.500 Ft
Damilos frame 5.000 Ft 2.500 Ft
Drilled frame 7.000 Ft 3.500 Ft

Glasses parts and repair

Screw replacement 500 Ft Free
Front support replacement (pcs) 800 Ft 400 Ft
Stem replacement From 3.500 Ft 50% credit
Laser soldering 8.500 Ft 4.250 Ft
Laser soldering of parts 10.000 Ft 5.000 Ft

Glasses maintenance

Glasses adjustment, adaptation free free
UV control free of charge free
Ultrasonic glasses for visibility 2.000 Ft 1.000 Ft

What should we NOT do with our glasses?

Avoid having to repair your glasses

It has already been mentioned that under no circumstances should you attempt any other eyeglass repair procedure at home, other than regular and proper cleaning of your glasses, even if it is just a seemingly simple solution to a problem. We have compiled a list of these.

  • You should not stand on the frame at home! Not with a heat gun, not with a hair dryer, not over the stove.
  • Don’t start at home with any method because your glasses are broken or a screw has fallen out, because it never works out well! For example, if the frame is glued, it is no longer possible to remove the glue, it will eat the frame and it will no longer be serviceable at the optician.
  • Never clean the lens with alcohol-based cleaners, as this will scorch the coating! The better the quality of the coating on a lens, the more easily it will be damaged and the faster it will react to chemicals. It is also not a good idea to have a higher quality lens on during a cold degreaser cleaning because the degreaser vapour will break down the lens layer, and this is true of all cleaning agent vapours. Always clean glasses when wet, using a suitable cleaning agent!
  • Do not expose your lenses to high heat! For example, when you open the oven in the kitchen, don’t wear the glasses so that the steam from the oven doesn’t get on the lens! The sudden heat causes the plastic lens to expand, but the layer on the lens does not expand, so it cracks and wears off.
  • Don’t take a sauna in our everyday glasses! If your dioptre is such that you can’t travel without glasses, you should go to such places with spare glasses that either have no coating or are made of glass instead of plastic lenses, rather than multifocal glasses.
  • Do not leave your glasses outside in the car! Glasses do not like high heat or cold. So don’t leave them out in the car in cold weather or in hot weather! If left on a heated windscreen or in the glove compartment, the lenses of the glasses will get heat shock and “fog up”. Unfortunately, this is not a quality problem, as it is an external heat effect that triggers this reaction.
  • Don’t tighten screws in your frames at home! This can make the screw threads in the frame worse, and you may not be able to service it properly.
  • Do not remove the glasses with one hand! Always make sure that you take the glasses off with both hands and put them on with both hands! It is important to keep the stems of the frame parallel when taking off and putting on, so that they cannot become misaligned. It is also essential that when not in use, they are stored in a hard case!

So whatever happens to your glasses, always seek expert help! Rapidus Optika has the right solution for every problem.