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Pachymetry – measuring the thickness of the cornea

Quick and painless examination

The cornea is located at the front of the eye, protruding from the plane of the eyeball in front of the iris. The thickness of the cornea varies from person to person and is an important piece of information for ophthalmologists in many types of eye treatment and diseases. In all cases, pachymetry is very quick and painless.

When might the test be needed?

In several cases, measuring the thickness of the cornea can provide the practitioner with highly relevant information.

In the case of glaucoma, for example, it is essential to measure the corneal thickness in addition to the intraocular pressure, as these two data should be evaluated together. Repeat examinations will allow changes to be monitored, which may indicate other pathologies.

Measuring corneal thickness can also be very helpful for certain medications or after eye surgery. It gives an accurate picture of the condition of the cornea and any changes that may occur.

pachymetria (szaruhártya vastagság) mérés a premium vision optikában

What problems might be indicated by abnormalities?

If a difference in the thickness of the cornea is found, it is always important to clarify which layer of the cornea is affected. Other tests may be necessary to do this, such as an OCT scan, which gives a more accurate picture of the lesion.

It is also important to establish what may have caused the change in the thickness of the cornea. Whether it is a side effect of a treatment, a possible new disease, or whether contact lens wear is causing the corneal swelling. It is very important to distinguish between these cases so that the practitioner can start the right course of action. Depending on this, it may be a question of changing an ongoing medication, diagnosing an emerging condition, or even changing contact lenses.

How does pachymetry take place?

In all cases, measuring the thickness of the cornea is quick and completely painless. The optical pachymetry used at Rapidus Optics is a non-contact type of examination, which can be performed in conjunction with the non-contact intraocular pressure measurement and the OCT examination mentioned above.
In both cases, the head is placed in a chin and forehead resting device and the test is completed in a few minutes.

Pachymetry - corneal thickness measurement

Rapidus Optika

Pre-registration is required for the examination, loyalty card application in person is also possible before the examination! Make an appointment online at our opticians. Make an appointment!