What symptoms can help you to recognise it?
Because field vision requires the two eyes to be in alignment, it takes a huge effort for the brain to achieve proper three-dimensional vision when the eyes are out of alignment. This is precisely why this problem can cause regular, even migraine-like headaches, dizziness and concentration problems. Because, despite its frequency, it is more of this kind than a visual complaint, it is also worth going for a full eye examination if you have frequent headaches, fatigue, dizziness or nausea. It can be a more obvious symptom when we are very tired and notice that one of our eyes is ‘slipping’ in or out.
In children, it is also very important to be aware of the possibility of hidden strabismus, as it can lead to even more serious problems with their eyes. It can even lead to dyslexia, attention and concentration problems. In addition, reading and writing difficulties may also occur because of the imaging disturbance.
What can be done and what help is there for hidden strabismus?
Of course, if you notice the above symptoms, the first thing to do is to rule out any underlying organic causes, but it is also worth at least then going for an eye examination. Please seek the help of an optometrist!
A so-called Polatest examination can easily point to an eye disease. Many people don’t realise that hidden strabismus may be behind the excruciating migraines, eye fatigue, blurred lines when reading and other problems that regularly crop up. Yet it is among the most common causes. And it is not medication and various therapies that are needed to get rid of all these, but a completely different solution that can eliminate the symptoms.
But modern equipment and expertise are needed to make a precise diagnosis, completely personalised. Based on the results of the polate examination, hidden strabismus can then be treated with prismatic lenses, which are a great way to correct the existing problem and eliminate all the aforementioned complaints.